Moments To Help: Indian Wells Mask Makers
In Moments To Help, we share random acts of kindness throughout the World of Troon.
Indian Wells Mask Makers – This kind act comes in from California’s Coachella Valley. While the Indian Wells Golf Resort’s golf courses are closed due to the state’s shelter-in-place orders, the bare-bones staff of managers have been handling the IW grocery store (a service provided to the surrounding community) and To-Go meals from The Vue restaurant. During their down time, the staff have become “IW Mask Makers.” After hearing news reports of mask shortages, General Manager Steve Rosen called the Coachella Valley Mask Makers on Monday, March 23rd. Shortly thereafter, Rosen had supplies dropped off and he and his team began assembling mask kits. On Tuesday, March 24th alone, they assembled over 500 masks. After the masks are made, they are sent off to be sanitized and then used in local hospitals by staff running short of these valuable items. Their mask-making work continues. Being kind is a value that has guided Troon for more than 30 years.