Brei Bordcosh-Women’s Golf Month

Brei Bordcosh: Receptionist, Troon Corporate Headquarters

Brei Bordcosh: Receptionist, Troon Corporate Headquarters


When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up and please explain if there was a story around that?

I wanted to be a professional ice skater. I liked the idea of it – the outfits, etc., not the actual skating part.😉

How long have you worked for Troon (facility experience included) and what has been your career progression; what do you love most about your job?

I worked at The Phoenix Country Club for about 2 ½ years as the receptionist before transferring here to the corporate office in August of 2022. I really enjoy greeting people. I also love my job because I love helping and getting to know all the different departments in the office. I feel it gives me a better understanding of how Troon operates.

What made you decide to make the jump from a facility to the corporate office?

I wanted the opportunity to learn new things, meet new people, and have a more consistent work schedule. I liked the possibility for career growth within the company and even in my existing role.

Was there a mentor that helped guide you along your current path and was there a piece of advice that helped you along your way?

I would have never begun a career at the Phoenix Country Club if it weren’t for Bill Parker, the Assistant General Manager. We worked together previously, and it was because of him that I made that move. I think that he and the directors/associates at the Phoenix CC all contributed to my current path in some way.

What do you do in your daily job or life to inspire other women or minorities to get them interested into the golf business as a career? 

I personally like to tell people that you don’t have to be a golfer to work in the golf business. Being a non-golfer myself, I think that there is a place for all walks of life and people of all interests. There are so many different avenues within Troon as far as job opportunities.

This is the first place I’ve worked that really focuses on people’s strengths, which makes for a more productive and enjoyable environment. It also caters to their associates that want to move up or take on a new challenge in a new role.

Do you like to golf and if so, what would be your dream foursome for golf?

I am not a golfer. I prefer tennis (watching, not playing) and I am a huge NBA fan! Go SUNS!

What is one interesting fact not many people know about you (that you don’t mind sharing)?

I am obsessed with true crime TV/documentaries! I could watch them all day, every day.

Anything else you want to share:

I also have 5 tattoos (most are hidden) and plan to get another in the future of an avocado, which is my absolute favorite thing to eat.

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