Dubsdread Golf Course Host The Lyman School Annual Fundraiser

The Lyman School - Making a difference for Ryan. Picture of Ryan in centerMy son attends the Lyman School – they have changed his life.  Ryan struggles with Dyslexia, ADHD, and some other learning disabilities.  He was also diagnosed with Autism at the age of six.  We are very lucky that Ryan has grown out of the majority of the Autism symptoms.  He still struggles with some sensory issues, but the two major challenges for him now are Dyslexia and ADHD.  The Lyman School is the 3rd attempt for us to find the right place – he has attended there for four years now.  Besides having the Lyman method to assist with reading and comprehension, the electives offered are helping him develop the skills he will need as an adult.  Ryan’s 16th birthday is December 12th.  We are actually entertaining him getting his driver license.  This is something we never thought would be possible just a couple years ago.  We began hosting golf fundraisers at Dubsdread for the school two years ago.  The staff and golfers at the club have taken a special interest in this event.  It is really hard not to get involved when you see the impact they have on these kids and their families.

The staff at the Lyman School have literally given our son opportunities that we did not think would be possible.  I have seen the same effects with other families and children that attend Lyman.  The school needs our help to keep costs down for families to insure they can help as many kids as possible.  I could never put into words the enormous amount of gratitude we have for the current staff, Dr. Lyman, and his family.

Dubsdread hosts many charity and community events – we host the Orange County Special Olympics every Tuesday.  This is on course and on the range, assisting with instruction or equipment as needed, but the organization also has a healthy volunteer base.  We host an additional 30+ events throughout the year.  This is a mix of special need schools, minority golf programs, breast cancer awareness, veterans, heart disease, school sports, spine injury programs and so on.  We have close to a 95% retention rate for these events.  We are very lucky to have a great staff at Dubsdread that goes above and beyond to learn about the needs of the charities and assist as much as possible in the planning and execution of the events.

We thank Rodney and his team at Dubsdread for leading as a great example of what just one facility can do to help so many individuals and organizations throughout the year.  A special thank you to Rodney for sharing his family’s story and the impact philanthropy can have on so many families and folks across the globe.

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