Moments to Help – A Live Concert Benefiting a Local Food Bank

In Moments to Help, we share random acts of kindness throughout the World of Troon.

Coming on the heels of Lodge of Four Seasons in Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri recent efforts donating donated fruit and dairy items to The Lake of the Ozarks Food Bank and the LAMB House, The Lodge continued with more efforts in this vein. The resort had a local artist/musician Tony Baragona, perform a “Facebook Live” on Friday April 17, from The Lodge. He performed for almost 2 hours and donations were accepted for the benefit The Food bank Advisory Council.  Donations made went to support their local Food Banks and the Food Bank Advisory Council. $1 donated equated to $21 in buying power. $325 was quickly donated that translated into $6,825 in buying power for Local Food Banks and the Food Bank Advisory Council.

Check out the LIVE show!*F-R&eid=ARA1mzxrPM2I0bIq_rPlvhDghMcz34prwAr_YwR4fkASTqq4a7n0MUfTl45B5V-bqB-Y2VVW1U_Rk2Ae&hc_location=group_dialog