Relentlessly Dedicated With Jocelyn Guzman

Jocelyn Guzman
Director, Data & Analytics

Growing up in the small town of Poulsbo, Washington, Jocelyn Guzman loved working on puzzles. She then progressed to solving math problems because there was always an objective answer at the end. After earning a computer science and mathematics degree from Western Washington University – one of just six women to do so in her class – she embarked on a career based around numbers and logic.

Today she puts that lifelong passion to good use as Director of Data & Analytics at Troon’s corporate office in Scottsdale, Ariz. Her daily schedule can range from cleansing data, writing code, and doing analysis in the morning, to creating dashboards and visualizations in the afternoon, all to support the various subsidiaries within Troon as well as senior leaders in the field, including general managers and department heads.

She also makes an effort to keep in touch with many of the women she knew in college. “We often discuss our experiences within the various industries we entered after school, and always recommend opportunities to each other that come up or may help others,” she said. “As part of my time with the DE&I Council at Troon, I’m also interested in working more with the American Junior Golf Association or other youth programs to help shed light on the not so traditional tech and analytics opportunities available in our industry.”

That desire also includes serving as a mentor whenever possible, an experience Guzman benefitted from herself. “Every educational institution I’ve gone through, from elementary school to college to online courses and certifications, I always had a standout teacher whose excitement for what they do really drove me to a path in tech and analytics,” she said. “A handful of the teachers that come to mind weren’t even ones that were necessarily in my related field of interest, but seeing their dedication and excitement to their subject made me want to be as passionate about my chosen career path.”

Guzman advises women looking to work in the golf industry to network as much as possible, and to not be shy when it comes to leaning on other women already in the field for guidance. “The people at Troon are heavily invested in growing the industry in every area, not just the game of golf itself from the player perspective,” Guzman said. “Everyone is charge of their own careers, so be the first one to make a move.”

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